
differences and worked together to spread the messag

Police officers, teachers, parents, religious leaders, politicians, media personalities, and child welfare organisations set aside their differences and worked together to spread the message – that interacting with a stranger could be putting them at risk.While there is no doubt that some people do have traumatic experiences with strangers, "stranger danger" lacked any real statistical basis. Then, as now, the majority of sexual and violent crimes against children (and adults, for that matter) are committed by people known to the victim: relatives, neighbours and family friends. Abductions by non-family members – which include those where a child is taken by someone unknown to them – account for just 1% of the missing children cases reported to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children in the US.

โพสต์โดย : Addison Addison เมื่อ 7 พ.ย. 2565 16:30:04 น. อ่าน 97 ตอบ 0
