
but many other communities around the world

It is a question facing not only the survivors of the Camp Fire, but many other communities around the world as the impacts of climate change continue to dramatically increase the risks to their homes and lives.The Starks, who were in their late 60s when the fire struck, knew they didn't have the emotional energy to rebuild immediately. Plus, the town they loved was in ruins, its forests burned to a crisp, its roadsides littered with charred cars abandoned during the evacuation. "Every time we go up there, I just get depressed," Marlyn says, nearly four years after the disaster. "It just reminds me of everything we lost."

โพสต์โดย : Addison Addison เมื่อ 1 พ.ย. 2565 17:48:49 น. อ่าน 93 ตอบ 0
