
Both Tschannen and Martinson are clear th

Both Tschannen and Martinson are clear that gender-neutral parenting doesn’t stop once a child chooses a gender they identify with. For instance, they still try to avoid gender-stereotyping language within the home. “When I talk about other kids, if it’s someone we know [well], I might say ‘she’ or ‘her’. But if it's a child at a playground or, you know, their friends at school, I just call them ‘your friends’ or by their names” rather than referring to “boys” and “girls”, says Martinson.

โพสต์โดย : Addison Addison เมื่อ 3 ต.ค. 2565 15:38:00 น. อ่าน 132 ตอบ 0
