
ncreasingly moving towards the playgrounds being

Brunge also worries that "we're increasingly moving towards the playgrounds being designed according to safety regulations, which of course is important. But I think we must be careful not to lose what it means to be a developing child at the cost of always keeping them safe". Guy Holloway feels similarly. "Despite in many ways the world becoming safer, we're shrouding our children in what feels like cotton wool to protect them all the time, and they are losing that ability to play without fear." He describes F51 as a "controlled adrenaline facility", adding "it is what young people need to be able to play properly".

โพสต์โดย : Addison Addison เมื่อ 2 ก.ย. 2565 13:17:59 น. อ่าน 120 ตอบ 0
