
When we reached our destination

When we reached our destination, a riverside park facing the isle, we were greeted by a sight like few others. Pheasant Island, browed with trees and elliptical in shape, lies just 10m from the Spanish side of the river and 20m from the French. It's of such historical importance that it's only rarely opened to visitors. At the centre was an enormous, inscribed monolith, shaped like a cenotaph, that gave a sense of the weight of centuries of history to the place. Tomb-like and grandstanding, it commemorates the meeting where the was negotiated in 1659.

โพสต์โดย : Addison Addison เมื่อ 30 ก.ค. 2565 16:23:43 น. อ่าน 123 ตอบ 0
