
Yandex is a public company and it needs

“Yandex is a public company and it needs to boost its valuation. The choice is to scale to other regions or to develop new product lines in one exact region,” says Maslikhova. “Bearing in mind the Russian economic situation, it is complicated to expand internationally. So Yandex chooses the strategy of horizontal scaling to where they already operate.”The talent is not necessarily Russian, however. David Talbot, a former Google languages researcher, is now the head of the Yandex.Translate service. Talbot joined a team led by Mikhail Bilenko, who had previously developed a platform for machine learning in Microsoft and now is the head of machine intelligence and research at Yandex.

โพสต์โดย : Addison Addison เมื่อ 5 ก.ค. 2565 15:50:54 น. อ่าน 159 ตอบ 0
